A Modern Sewing Blog.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

A New Year.

Happy 2014! A new year, means new sewing projects and new classes and new fabric! YEAH!! Here in Michigan we've been under house arrest and frozen for a week. I'll be honest I'm going stir crazy and wouldn't you know that this happened while I was in-between projects. You might think that I could have used this week of solitary confinement to take down my holiday decorations or deep clean the house but that's just not how I roll. I mostly moped around and watched lots of Netflix. Now, however, I am finally getting back into the swing of things. One of my sons went back to school today and I'm back to the blog, feeling a little less lethargic and more like myself.

Out with the old and in with the new. All our Christmas fabric is 25% off for the rest of January. Come and see our new spring fabrics and get a jump on next Christmas by getting some holiday fabrics for the stash!

Some of our new fabrics! How springy is this scene?

 This is our new kit. It includes the pattern fat quarter strips and the backing for $40.00 if you already have the pattern you can get the kit pieces for $30.
Crabapple hill club resumes Tuesday the 14th at 10. Look at this beautiful winter embroidery, that would keep the winter blues away, or at least give us something to do while we're trapped inside dreaming of flowers. We can embroider them instead.

What are you working on in the new year? Any resolutions you'd like to share? I've embarked on a new project you can check out my personal blog HERE to read about it. We'd love to hear what you've been up to during this blizzard.

Happy Sewing
Jessie and Sue.

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