Happy Tuesday everyone! I've jumped right in and am bumbling along pleasantly, trying to learn the website and get new product up. The new
Christmas Ghastlie fabric is in the store and if you want a sneak peak you can see it on the
website (I was quite proud of this little accomplishment which just shows you how much there is to learn)! It's the first product we've updated. Oh my goodness this fabric is hilarious. Very Tim Burton and I am just trying to figure out something clever I could make with it. Any ideas? We've started a
Pinterest board just for the Ghastlies with ideas we've spotted around the interwebs. Most of it's from the previous years line (since this years has just been released) but is a great inspiration. If you make things from the fabric tag us in a photo of it or shoot us a message and we'll put it on our
Ghastlie board for others to see.
New classes coming this fall! |
I always feel like fall brings with it a new year, even though I've been long out of school. Summer winds down and classes gear up. The same is true in the shop. We're getting really excited about some new classes. There's going to be a Table Center Piece from
Sewn Into the Fabric...Pieces of our lives Sue's already been working on one and, Oh my! For those of you who yearn for flowers all year there's going to be a class from
Flower Pots, the Kookaburra Cottage pattern (SUPER CUTE CUSHION). AND, a new club! The club we'll be meeting once a month and making projects from the amazing book
Modern Holiday: Deck the Halls with 18 Sewing Projects. Not only are these classes a great way to learn, and meet people it's also a fantastic way to get your Christmas gift giving underway (did I really just type the word "Christmas" EAK!).
Sneak peak of the Table Piece. |
Later this week I'm hoping to have our first sewing tutorial up. Step by step pictures of a small but rewarding project, so stay tuned!