Tuesday, May 5, 2015

New Point of Sale System

We are finally ready to roll out our new point of sale system. So, what does that mean to you?

First, it means that everything is computerized. From our cash drawer to our inventory. Everything should have a barcode and will be scanned into the system. We're hopeful that this will make your entire shopping process more streamlined and seamless. Though, as we get going, there are sure to be kinks so please be patient as we work out the bugs.

Second, it means that there is more product on our website then ever before. It also means that it will automatically be updated. So if your shopping online and you buy a fabric or notion or tool we're sure to have it in stock. This is great for our customers that live far and away or just can't make it into the shop. Click HERE to see all we have to offer in our online shop.

Third, it means that we now have a great rewards program, what a joy to be able to give back to our faithful customers. We'll also be able to keep track of what you've bought in the store, so if you need some more of that one-kind-of-I-think-it-was-freespirit-fabric but you aren't sure, we can look it up for you and find out.

The store's been rearranged so that the cutting board and cash register are all in one place. Plus from a clerk point of view using the scanner is really fun.

It really is exciting being part of this new chapter in the shop's life and I hope you'll find it as enjoyable as we hope it is. Thank you so much for your continued support of this little sewing store, and thank you for your patience as we learn to use and fully integrate this new system.

Happy Sewing,
Jessie Heninger

1 comment:

  1. It's great to see how technology is an enabler of business! Always recommended using a POS Machine in Singapore and I'm sure you all feel the same way now =)
