Thursday, November 7, 2013

Hello and Happy Thursday fellow sewists! I made it home from my trip in one delightfully tanned, rested piece. I'll be honest I'm having a hard time getting back into the sewing of things. Or really the anything of things. "You want me to cook dinner? You need, clean socks." real life can be sort of hard to get back to.

To help there are some new classes starting up in November. Our one saturday class starts this saturday! Check out our website for more info. Hippy Hippy Shake this saturday. Twisty Twirly Scarf Nov 13. Spice Market Tote Nov 14. Modern Holiday club Nov 20. I hope you'll join us for one of these neat projects.

I received the moda sewing Box charm pack as a gift and I can't decide what to do with it. Usually I have a project in mind, I save my pennies and then buy what I need (though I still have quite the stash). This is so exciting, starting with a clean slate, and I love the fabric so much. Should I make a lap quilt for my sewing room, a patchwork sewing machine cover, or a patchwork purse, or even a patchwork skirt of some kind? Blurg, I can't decide! Help! Seriously I would love your feedback, not that I should be worrying about sewing for myself because it is November already!

The hardest thing about coming from FL back to MI is realizing that it's time to start Christmas! I'm just having a difficult time wrapping my mind around Christmas! I'm listening to Christmas music in the hopes that it helps. This year I'm going to decorate my sewing room for the first time. I bought a small fake tree after the holidays last year (on the cheap) and want to decorate it with all sewing themed things! I'm looking for ideas so if you have any let me know in the comments (along with your ideas for the charm pack).

If your a homemade Christmas kind of gal or guy, then I know your already well into creating. Here's an early play list to get you started (I'll try not to inundate you with too much Christmas until after Thanksgiving, this is just a taste):
I can't wait to hear all your thoughts! Let us know what your sewing up for the Holidays.
Happy Sewing
Love Jessie

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